Astro Love Triangle Gone Wrong- The Case of Lisa Nowak

This case is definitely one of the most bizarre ones that I’ve ever read about. I haven’t watched any documentaries or TV shows about it, if there’s any out there, let me know!


Lisa Caputo was born on May 10th, 1963 in Washington, D.C. She grew up with her parents and sisters in Rockville, Maryland. Lisa became interested in space almost right away, after watching the Apollo 11 landing. She also followed the space shuttle program, especially after they let women become astronauts.



After high school, Lisa went to the United States Naval Academy. She picked the Naval academy over Brown, even though her parents didn't want her to. Lisa graduated in May of 1985 with a Bachelor of science degree in aerospace engineering. She also was commissioned as an ensign in the U.S. Navy.


While Lisa was in the Navy, she met and married a classmate named Richard T. Nowak. They got married on April 6th, 1988.

In 1990, Lisa entered the U.S. Navy Postgraduate School in Monetary, California. She earned a Master of science degree in aeronautical engineering and a degree in aeronautical and astronautical engineering.

She also gave birth to her son, Alexander in 1992.

NASA Career

In 1996, Lisa was told she was one of the finalists. She was asked to report to the Johnson Space Center for orientation, interviews and medical evaluations.

Lisa and her family moved to Clear Lake City, Texas. In 2001, Lisa gave birth to twin daughters, Alyssa and Katrina. Due to Richard’s work, Lisa was beginning to be a single mother with 3 children.

William Oefelein

When Lisa went back to work, she participated in a cold weather survival training course in Canada, it lasted 11 days. One of the other astronauts that was on this training with her was William Oefelein.

Lisa and William were having an affair, but had to keep it a secret. They could have been charged with conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman, which includes adultery under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

William’s wife found out about his affair with Lisa, after she found emails. She divorced him in 2005. He moved away, and apparently gave Lisa a key because she was reported to be their all the time by his neighbors.

Space Flight & Deteriorating Relationships

On July 4th, 2006 the launch of the space flight was successful.

Lisa’s relationships immediately starting falling apart. She separated from her husband Richard in January 2007. Her affair started to fall apart as well, but she called William almost every day.

However, William had already began another relationship with a woman named Colleen Shipman. Colleen was an engineer at Patrick Air Force Base in Florida. William had told Lisa about his relationship with Colleen in 2006.

Lisa was still very much obsessed with William, and apparently left her bicycle at his place. Colleen was uncomfortable with this, and asked William to have Lisa come and pick it up.

Bill and Colleen

Bill and Colleen

The Orlando Airport Incident

On February 4-5, 2007, Lisa drove 900 miles from Houston to Orlando. She packed quite a lot, here’s everything she packed:

-latex gloves,

-a BB pistol gun


-pepper spray,

- tan trench coat

-drilling hammer

-black gloves

-plastic garbage bags

- $585 in cash

- computer

-8 inch folding knife

There were many reports that Lisa wore diapers on her trip, but she’s denied wearing them. It was reported that she didn’t want to stop or be seen on her trip.

On February 5th, Lisa got to the Orlando Airport and waited an hour in baggage claim. She then confronted Colleen Shipman in the parking lot.

Colleen said she was aware someone was following her, she heard footsteps behind her. Colleen was able to get into her car and lock the door. However, Lisa pounded on her window and started crying. Colleen rolled down her window and Lisa sprayed pepper spray into her car.

The police were called right away, and Orlando Police Department airport division officers were on the scene. They said they saw Lisa throwing away items in the trash. She was arrested at the airport, and charged with attempted kidnapping, battery, attempted vehicle burglary with battery and destruction of evidence.

Colleen immediately requested a restraining order, and said Lisa had been stalking her for 2 months. She said Lisa was an “acquaintance of her boyfriend.” They held Lisa without bail.

Lisa’s mugshot

Lisa’s mugshot


On February 6th, 2007, Lisa was placed on a 30 day leave from NASA. Her assignment as a serving Navy officer was also terminated on March 7th.

They found more evidence when they searched Lisa’s car. They found she made a list of about 24 items, they found 15 images of women in a state of undress, drawings of scenes of bondage, cash and 4 paper bags filled with orange pills.

William Oefelien also came forward and said Lisa called him 12 times and sent him 7 text messages. He had given her a cell phone to communicate with him. He said that he had made it clear to Lisa that they were over, but they still continued to have lunch and train for a bicycle race together. (Mixed signals, much?)

They also found surveillance of Lisa waiting in the baggage claim for an hour at the Orlando airport.

Video surveillance at Orlando Airport.


On February 13th, 2007, Lisa pleaded not guilty to the charges of attempted murder and attempted kidnapping.

Lisa was diagnosed with OCD, Asperger syndrome, major depressive disorder and “a brief psychotic episode with marked stressors.”

On November 10th, 2009, Lisa entered a guilty plea to felony burglary and misdemeanor battery. She was sentenced to probation for a year.

In March 2011, Lisa went to court to have the court seal her record of criminal proceedings, which they granted.

Lisa at trial

Lisa at trial


Lisa was given full custody her kids after her divorce and she returned to work. As of 2017, Lisa is living in Texas and is “doing well.”

William and Colleen are married now, and have a son.

Bill, Colleen and their son

Bill, Colleen and their son

Colleen talking about the incident in 2011.


This was a lot of information, but this case is one of the most wild I’ve ever heard about. I think Lisa clearly had a lot of mental issues, and I don’t think they were ever treated. I think she should have gotten treatment, instead of just being sent home like nothing happened. And who knows, maybe she is being treated today, but I feel really sorry for Colleen who didn't do anything wrong.

I also think Lisa was misled by William, and her mental illness made her do the unthinkable. I don’t want to say William is a terrible person, but he seems to like to have many women lusting after him. The only person I feel bad for is Colleen, and Lisa’s children. I hope they are safe today, and that Lisa has learned from her actions. I haven’t seen or heard of Lisa since this incident, so maybe she is really being treated and is living her best life now.



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