Diane Pranske: An Amazing Survival Story

This case was probably one of the most difficult for me to watch, but this woman is a true hero for being able to survive what she went through. This is from an episode of See No Evil, it’s season 6, episode 9 titled ‘Fire Angel.’ I won’t show any graphic pictures, but graphic content warning, this woman went through A LOT.


Diane Pranske was a 53 year old woman who lived in Lansing, Illinois. She had a serious boyfriend named John, who she had been dating for a few years and had a daughter April, who was going to school in Florida.

Diane worked at a restaurant called Theo’s, she worked behind the bar. Her daughter April said Diane loved working, and some of the customers would come in just to see Diane. Diane closed the restaurant about 10:30pm, and told her boyfriend John that she had to run to the store before coming home, and that she would call him when she was on her way. John said Diane never called him.


In September 0f 2015, a call from a gas station in Porter, Indiana, saying a woman was raped, kidnapped and set on fire. Porter, Indiana was 30 miles away from where Diane lived in Illinois.

When the police got there, the woman who was Diane was able to tell them her name. The detective was shocked that she was able to speak considering her face was very burnt, her hair was singed, and her mouth and tongue were charred. There was also a chemical smell on Diane, like the fire was deliberately set to hurt her. The police asked Diane who did this to her, and she said it was a black male. She said she got home and was attacked in her doorway, and they drove off in her car. She was also able to tell the police her license plate number, and said he drove away in her car.


The police went to Diane’s house to investigate. They found her groceries in the doorway, and her receipt showing she left the store a little after 11pm. The grocery store was 3 blocks from Diane’s house.

The police are able to get the surveillance footage from the store. The see Diane park her car, walk into the store and leave the store with no one following her.

At the station, they are able to find out that Diane’s car had OnStar, and they track it to Michigan. The police had to contact the FBI, since they were dealing with three different states. Diane’s cell phone was also switched on, so they were able to track it. The last ping was around 1:48am, at an abandoned warehouse. The warehouse is the site of where Diane was burned. The police are able to find surveillance footage at a nearby building, the building faces the warehouse.

The police pull up the footage. Diane’s vehicle is seen pulling into the warehouse, and the driver pulls around the back. A few minutes later, you see a burst of flames, and then the car leaving. A figure, which is later shown to be Diane is seen running, still on fire. She runs for 36 seconds, and is seen trying to put out out the fire. It had been raining that night, and there were puddles of water in the area. The police who were interviewed on this episode got very emotional seeing what Diane was able to do to try to save herself, and they said it made them work that much harder to catch this attacker.

Next, the police get access to Diane’s bank records, and see that her credit cards were used at two ATMs. The first surveillance camera wasn’t working, but the second one had a camera built in. Diane’s car pulls up, and a black male is seen withdrawing money. He had a nylon pulled over his face, and white surgical gloves on, to try to not be seen or leave fingerprints. They realize that this happened before Diane was set on fire, and she was in the trunk of her car.

The surveillance footage from the ATM.

The surveillance footage from the ATM.

The police release information and a photo to the media.

The Suspect

The police receive information that the man in the picture is named Carleous Clay. He had a record, and was recently out on parole. He was arrested previously for shooting a man in the head, who also survived. Clay’s address is a few blocks from where Diane lived.

Carleous Clay

Carleous Clay

The police go to where Clay lived, and arrest him.

Diane’s Story

Diane Pranske

Diane Pranske

Diane was miraculously saved. The doctors didn’t know if they would be able to save her, they told John and April that only a small percentage of people who have 2/3 of their bodies burned can survive.

Diane is interviewed in the last 5 minutes of the episode. It is very hard for her to talk for a long amount of time because of this awful thing that happened to her, but this is what she said happened.

She got home from the store, and Carleous Clay was in her house looking for money. He made her get into the trunk of her car while they went to the ATM. Diane said she was claustrophobic and could hear everything going on. Clay used her card, and 40 minutes later they were at the warehouse. He raped Diane, and she was able to get out and run. He caught up to her, and choked her until she passed out. She said she woke up to her legs being on fire, she was able to run a few feet and roll around to try to put the fire out. She then saw the lights of the gas station, and said “it was like the spirits were guiding me there,” and she was able to get help.

Arrest and Conviction

In July of 2018, Carleous Clay is charged with kidnapping and attempted murder. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to life in prison.


Diane said she forgave Clay, but is happy he’s in jail and can’t hurt anyone else.

Diane’s daughter April said Diane’s life is changed forever. She can’t work again, or drive. She requires 24/7 care. John and Diane are still together, and he quit his job to help Diane. John said Diane used to do everything for him, and he couldn’t give up on her.


I got emotional throughout this whole episode, especially at the end when John and Diane were talking about their love for each other. DIANE IS A HERO, AND I AM SO HAPPY SHE WAS BAD ASS AND SURVIVED.

I hope Clay rots in prison, and never gets out. He should have never been out in the first place, especially because he tried to kill someone else before Diane. It disgusts me that he was let out and hurt someone again. He’s a piece of shit, and I think Diane would have given him anything he asked for, but he had to hurt her and affect the rest of her life.






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