The Case of Angell Williams

Hi everyone!! I am so sorry it’s been a while. I have been working a lot of different shifts at work and have been relaxing a bit when my husband and I are off together. I will try my best to post as much as I used to before.

For this case, I watched an episode of Stalked. It’s season 4 episode 8, titled ‘Predator by Proxy.’

A young mother becomes fearful of her estranged husband.


Angell Williams was born in 1980 and grew up in Maryland. After high school, Angell went on to date someone and had 3 children. However, the relationship didn’t last.

By 2008, she and her children settled down in Baltimore. She worked for the government in Human Resources and was thinking about going back to school.

A New Relationship

One night in 2008, Angell went out with her friends and met a man named Michael Johnson. The two hit it off and were engaged about 6 months later. They got married in 2009 and had a son together.

After they got married, Michael’s behavior took a complete 180. Angell said he stopped working and was constantly smoking and drinking. Angell also discovered that he was cheating on her. She kicked him out but that didn’t stop Michael from coming around the house.

Michael began to threaten to harm Angell and the kids. Angell filed a protection order but Michael continued to come around the house. Michael was described as charming to other people and could charm his way out of trouble when the police were called.

The Ads

Michael began to show up at Angell’s home with weapons. He had attacked her and their son with a knife. Angell said Michael had thrown their son across the room. Luckily, Angell was able to grab their son and run out of the house.

Michael was arrested but released that same day without having to post bail. Angell was furious and devastated.

The next day, Angell went to get her car to take her children to school. Michael was found hiding in the car and tried to strangle her. Angell was able to escape.

Angell called the police. This time, Michael was sentenced to 18 months in prison. He was released on January 20, 2012.

Angell didn’t hear from Michael for about 5 months. Until one day, there was a knock at Angell’s door. It was an unknown man saying he was responding to an ad from an online sex site.

The screen name created was Angellwet_wet. There were also photos of her added to the site.

When Angell took it to the police, they couldn’t trace it back to Michael. The police didn’t have any probable cause to arrest Michael. Various men from the site kept showing up at Angell’s home.

The ads kept getting worse. The ads included paying to get to Angell’s children and various rape fantasies.

Michael then sent Angell a very graphic email talking about how he wanted to rape and kill her.

Angell went to the police again and begged them to do something to help her. She presented a stack of documents with the ads and emails that she was receiving.

Justice for Angell

The police were finally able to prove that the emails and ads were coming from Michael’s mother’s house.

Michael was arrested. His trial began on June 10, 2013. He was convicted of 50 counts of violating the protection order, 10 counts of reckless endangerment, 1 count of stalking, and 10 counts of harassment by electronic mail.

On July 18, 2013, he was sentenced to 115 years in prison.

Angell has since moved out of Baltimore.

Michael Johnson


I understand that the police didn’t have probable cause to arrest Michael but I felt like Angell had to beg for help. Not only was Angell being threatened but so were children who were all young at the time. Angell said in this episode that she had to buy a shotgun and explain to her children that something was going to happen. Amazingly, Angell was able to fight so hard to protect herself and her children. This case had a happy ending and Michael deserves to rot in prison. Those men that showed up at Angell’s home also deserve to fucking rot.



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