The Murder of Devvra Keyes

For this case, I watched an episode of Deadline Crime with Tamron Hall. It’s season 3 episode 4, titled ‘The Wrong Crowd.’

This is a another heartbreaking case, this time it’s about a mother’s search for her daughter. While her daughter was struggling, her family never gave up on helping her and eventually having to find her when she goes missing.


Devvra Keyes

Devvra Keyes

Devvra Keyes was a 31 year old single mom from Dallas, Texas. Devvra had struggled most of her life, she got pregnant at 17 years old and became addicted to alcohol and drugs. When her addiction became bad she lost custody of her daughter.

Despite all of her struggles, she was described as a happy and adventurous person. She had gone to rehab several times and eventually moved to Benson, Arizona to be closer to her daughter who lived in Tucson.

Devvra’s Struggles

When she moved to Benson things seemed to be looking up for her. She got a job at the Horseshoe Cafe, and met a nice man named Bill. Bill was also like a father figure to her daughter. However, Devvra’s past addictions would come back to haunt her.

In December 2009, Devvra went to a company party and had a lot to drink that night. The episode didn’t go into a lot of details, but it resulted in her being fired from her job and she and Bill broke up because of her drinking.

Devvra went back to rehab, and met a new man named Jason. He was also a former alcoholic, and her family wasn’t too happy that she was spending time with someone from rehab.

Devvra’s family would soon find out that her new relationship would be the least of their problems.


In early September 2010, Devvra’s mom, Debbie, tried calling and texting her and didn’t hear anything back. This was unlike Devvra, who talked to her mom daily.

Devvra’s mom contacted one of Devvra’s neighbors if they could go check on her, and when there was no answer she filed a missing persons report.

The Benson police department started there investigation and went to look at Devvra’s house to see if they could find anything. There was no sign of a struggle inside the house, all of Devvra’s clothes and personal items were there, but the police did find drug paraphernalia.

This led the police and Devvra’s family into believing that Devvra had fell into the wrong crowd, hence the name of the episode, and that she was in trouble.

The Wrong Crowd

The first person the police wanted to look into was Devvra’s ex, Jason. Jason told the police that he and Devvra broke up awhile ago and that he was in jail for drug charges when she went missing. The police confirmed this and he was ruled out.

In fact, Devvra had a new boyfriend. She began dating a man named Jarod Larson, who was 9 years younger than her. Jared lived with a roommate named Robert, and the police described their living situation as “living in filth.” They showed pictures and it was disgusting. They lived with animal carcasses and the house was filled with garage and drugs.

Jarod and Robert were constantly using hard drugs like meth. In fact, Devvra had started using meth too, and a few months before she went missing she told her best friend that she was using. Her friend was heartbroken. Her friend said that Devvra told her many scary things before she went missing.

Devvra had told her friend, Nikki, that she owed money to drug dealers because she refused to have sex with them instead of paying. Devvra also told her mom that someone had beaten her up when she returned home one day, and she even sent pictures to her mom. Debbie wanted her daughter to tell the police, but she refused.

A Break in the Case

On February 12, 2011, the Benson police pulled over a drunk driver. It was a young woman who had a story for them. The woman said that she saw a dead body and that her friend had showed her where it was a few days ago.

Her friend was none other than Jarod Larson. He was brought in for questioning. Jarod said that he and Devvra had broken up awhile ago and at first he said he didn't know what happened to her. He appeared emotional and finally confessed.

Jarod said he and his roommate, Robert, picked Devvra up on September 7, 2010, only Devvra didn’t know Robert was in the car. A few days earlier, Devvra confronted Jarod for stealing her money and they wanted to keep her quiet from telling the police.

Jarod said he told Devvra he was going to get her money back, and then Robert appeared and started strangling Devvra. This didn't kill her, so they started punching and kicking her and eventually Robert slit her throat and they pushed her into a manhole and put the lid on it.

Devvra’s body was discovered and her dental records are what identified her.

Arrests and Convictions

Robert Sappington, 37, and Jarod Larson, 23, were arrested and charged with the first degree murder of Devvra.

Robert had told the police everything that Jarod had, only he said that Jarod was the one who slit her throat.

They were both found guilty and sentenced to life in prison.

Robert Sappington

Robert Sappington

Jarod Larson

Jarod Larson


They are sick, sick people. They brutally attacked and murdered someone, who one of them used to date. She trusted Jarod, and he betrayed her so many times. They don’t deserve to ever see the light of day again.

I feel so bad for Devvra’s family, they loved her so much and wanted to help her. Devvra had told her family that she was going to move back to Texas, and she didn’t even get the chance to. I hope they can find peace knowing these monsters are in prison.



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