The Murder of Farah Swaleh Noor- AKA “The Scissor Sisters Case

There’s quite a few people in this case, so the first thing I’m going to do is list out the important people in it.

Farah Swaleh Noor- He is the victim in this case and was 40 years old at the time of his murder.

Kathleen Mulhall- The mother, and Farah’s girlfriend. She allegedly was abused by Farah very frequently.

Linda Mulhall- The oldest daughter of Kathleen. She was 30 years old at the time of the murder. She had 4 children and was also abused by the father of her kids. She also had a history of drug and alcohol abuse.

Charlotte Mulhall- She was 21 years old at the time of the murder. She also had a history of drug and alcohol abuse.

This case took place in South Dublin, Ireland. The Mulhall’s were from Kilclare Gardens. Kathleen and her husband John divorced, he allegedly was abusive as well. Kathleen and Farah began a relationship in 2002, Farah moved in and John took all the kids (there were 3 boys and 3 girls) and moved out.



“The Scissor Sisters” Linda (L) Charlotte (R)

“The Scissor Sisters” Linda (L) Charlotte (R)

Kathleen and Farah moved away for some time, they moved to Cork. In 2004, they returned to Dublin. Kathleen said that she was abused regularly by Farah.

Before I get into the murder, I’m not defending these people in anyway because what they did was so terrible, but Farah did have previous arrests. He had been arrested for intoxication, threatening and abusive behavior and assault. In 1997, he was arrested for raping a 16 year old girl. It’s reported by his previous girlfriends that he was abusive to all of them, however he was never convicted or served jail time for it.

The murder took place in Summerhill on March 20th, 2005. It’s reported that it was Saint Patrick’s weekend and everyone was drinking very heavily. They had walked around the city and bought vodka, Coke and were also taking ecstasy tablets. Kathleen also crushed a tablet into Farah’s drink so that they “were all feeling it.”



Farah and Kathleen were sitting on the couch and Charlotte was sitting above them on the arm. Farah started to whisper to Kathleen and touch her in “a sexual way.” Kathleen started to yell at him and told her daughters to “just kill him for me.” Charlotte then hitting him with a Stanley knife and hit him in the throat. Linda joined in and her weapon of choice was a hammer. Kathleen didn’t help but watched the whole thing. Farah was stabbed 27 times.

I didn’t know what a Stanley knife was, but it’s clearly a very sharp knife especially if he’s stabbed in the throat.

I didn’t know what a Stanley knife was, but it’s clearly a very sharp knife especially if he’s stabbed in the throat.

As if what I read and described wasn’t bad enough, they also dismembered Farah. His head, limbs and genitals were cut off with a knife and hammer. This took several hours, and they put his parts in plastic bags and a sports bags and got rid of it in the Royal Canal. Next, THEY TOOK THE HEAD WITH THEM. They got on a bus and took it to Tymon North Park. Charlotte dug a hole and buried it. They figured if they took the head with them, he wouldn't be identified.

It keeps getting worse. Linda returned a few days later and dug up the head. She took it to a different field and broke it up with a hammer before burying it again. THIS GUY CAN’T CATCH A BREAK. EVEN IF HE WAS ABUSIVE, HE SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN MURDERED.

The discovery of the body:

Ten days later, Farah’s leg with a sock on it was seen floating in the canal. Garda sub-aqua divers did a search and found most of his other body parts. Information was broadcasted about Farah through the media to see if someone could identify him. Someone recognized the T-shirt and identified him. This witness sent a tip to Crimestoppers and suggested they take a look at the Mulhall Family. As much as I listen to true crime, I couldn’t imagine having to dive in dark waters and finding body parts.

The arrests:

At first Kathleen, John, Charlotte and Linda were just questioned and denied any involvement. However, a few weeks later Linda confessed to her involvement. In August 2005, the flat in Summerhill was searched and blood stains were found and match to Farah’s DNA. When Linda confessed, her mother fled in September 2005. (WHAT A GREAT MOTHER). She wasn't found again until January 2008, she was living in England.

Court Cases:

In October 2006, Linda and Charlotte were charged with murder and both pleaded not guilty. Linda was found guilty of Manslaughter and Charlotte was found guilty of murder. Charlotte was given life in prison and Linda was given a 15 year sentence for Manslaughter.

Kathleen returned to Ireland in February 2008. She was charged with two counts of giving false information and withholding information. She was also charged with impending an arrest. She pleaded guilty to cleaning up the crime scene to conceal evidence and was only sentenced to 5 years in prison in May of 2009.

Other information:

This murder ruined the Mulhall family. John Mulhall committed suicide in Phoenix Park, when his daughters were charged with the killing.

Linda turned to alcohol and slashed her arms and spent a week in a psychiatric hospital. She also confessed to wear she buried Farah’s head.

In 2008 a photo of Charlotte was leaked where she was holding a knife to a male prisoner’s throat. She was then moved to an all women’s prison. (Personally, I don’t think she gave a shit about what she did).

James Mulhall (the brother of the girls) pleaded guilty to robbing 2 sex workers to support his children.

Linda was released in 2018 after 12 years.

Farah’s head and genitals were never found.


Well, personally I think they should all still be in jail. I don’t think any of them have remorse for what they did especially Kathleen and Charlotte. Kathleen pretty much said peace out when she left her kids to be arrested after Linda confessed. I think Linda might have some remorse but I still think she should be in jail.

The Mulhall’s clearly had issues, even the father and the son. I don’t think anyone else had an involvement in Farah’s case and whether or not people think Farah is an abusive POS, he didn't deserve to be dismembered and thrown away like trash.



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