The Murder of Gilbert ‘Gil’ Dossett

For this case, I watched an episode of American Monster. It’s season 8 episode 2, titled ‘Life on the Lake.’

A man survives a horrific boating accident, only to be killed in his home years later.


Gilbert ‘Gil’ Dossett was described as a jokester. He loved to spend time with his family, and loved to spend time on the water, especially fishing.

Gilbert met his first wife, Dianna, in 1969. They got married the following year, and had two daughters, Erica and Mendy. The Dossett’s owned a bait shop on the shore of Lake Barkley.

Gilbert Dossett

The Boating Accident

In July 1991, Gilbert took the boat out on the lake. He had let go of the steering wheel, and fell overboard. Gilbert had slipped under the boat, and was cut by the motor. Gilbert’s milkman happened to be out on the lake, and found Gilbert in the water. He put Gilbert onto his boat until help arrived.

Gilbert’s leg was broken in 13 places, and he lost a lot of blood and skin. Gilbert’s family was relieved that he survived, as they thought they had lost him.

Gilbert’s daughter, Erica, had been 9 months pregnant, and had her son, Alex, that same day. Gilbert and Alex had a special bond, and Gilbert had prayed to God while he was in the water to let him see his grandson.

Gilbert’s family said he changed after his accident. He was in a lot of pain, which caused stress for the business and his marriage.

Gilbert and Dianna sold the store, and divorced in 1993.

A New Family

In November 1993, Gilbert got a job as a taxi driver. He loved talking and making connections with his passengers.

In 2001, Gilbert met another taxi driver named Brenda Moore. Brenda was 34, and Gilbert was 55. Brenda was a mother of two children, Nikki and Nicholas. Gilbert and Brenda moved in together, and got married in 2002.

Gilbert’s family was worried that they were moving too fast, but they were happy for him. They seemed to like Brenda. Brenda would cook, and spend time with the family, at least for awhile. However, Gilbert stopped coming around to family gatherings, and was spending time with Brenda, who had been diagnosed with cancer a few years later.

Gilbert knew that they needed money and benefits, so he started working for a manufacturing business. He was working 10-12 hours, 6 days a week, and often took extra hours when he could.

Gilbert was often tired and in pain, but he was willing to do what he could for Brenda.

The Divorce

In 2014, Brenda’s daughter, Nikki, met a new boy named Mason Hughes. Mason was 19, and lived in Paoli, Indiana.

Brenda would often drive from Evansville to Paoli to either drive Nikki to Mason’s, or drive Mason back to their house. Until one day, Brenda announced to Gilbert that Mason would be moving in with them. Gilbert told her that they had no room. Brenda said that Mason could stay in Nikki’s room. Gilbert said no, as she was still in high school, but Brenda said he was moving in.

Gilbert had enough, and they decided to separate. Brenda and the kids moved out, and into a motel.

The Murder

On May 20, 2014, Gilbert’s family could not get in touch with him. Brenda had texted Mendy, and asked if she could check on him.

Mendy contacted her sister, Erica, and mom, Dianna. Mendy and Erica decided to go over to Gilbert’s house together.

They knocked on the door, but there was no answer. They walked around to the back, and noticed the door was slightly open. Erica said they had a bad feeling when they saw that.

There was furniture turned over, and blood in the house. Mendy called 911, and the dispatcher told them to get out of the house, and go outside to wait for the police.

Gilbert was discovered dead in his bedroom. He had been shot in the head as he slept.

The Suspects

The police learned from Erica and Mendy, that Gilbert and Brenda were estranged.

The police went to bring Brenda, Mason, Nikki, and Nicholas into the police station for questioning.

Brenda admitted that she had been at the house in the last few days because she had some items in the garage. She said she hadn’t seen Gilbert, at least a few weeks. Brenda said she had been at the house with Nikki’s boyfriend, Mason.

The police asked Brenda about Mason’s behavior in the last few days. Brenda said Mason was usually cocky and wired, but in the last few days he had been jittery and quieter than usual.

Brenda told the police that she thought Mason had gone to Gilbert’s looking for money. Brenda said Gilbert often had $60-80 in cash on him.

After her interview, Brenda was put into an interrogation room with her son, Nicholas, who was a juvenile. While the police were out of the room, Brenda was overheard whispering to Nicholas. She said “I’m scared for Nikki, if Mason cracks.” She also asked Nicholas if the gun was still in the car, and that they needed to get rid of it.

The Motive

Nikki was questioned next. Nikki told the police that she knew that Gil had been shot in the head because Brenda had been upset about it. The police hadn’t released the information about how Gilbert died.

Nikki was asked about who killed Gilbert. Nikki said that Mason had shot Gilbert.

On May 23, Mason was questioned. Mason appeared to be nervous, and was described as visibly shaking in his seat. The police put pressure on Mason about what happened. Mason said that the shooter had been Brenda, and that he had driven her there, but waited in the car.

The police showed Mason the clip of Nikki saying that he was the shooter. Mason then admitted that he was the shooter. Mason said he and Brenda had gone to Gilbert’s, and that she had a key to unlock the back door.

Mason said they turned over the furniture to make it look like a robbery. They walked upstairs to Gilbert’s bedroom. Mason said he turned the light on, but Gilbert didn’t wake up. He then stood over him, and fired a shot into his head. Brenda had been just outside in the hallway.

Mason said that Brenda had told him she would buy him a car with Gilbert’s life insurance policy that she believed she was in the beneficiary of. The life insurance policy was only for $48,000 (some reports say $42,000), and Brenda wasn’t going to get any of it.

The murder weapon was found in the trunk of Brenda’s car, just as Mason had described.

The Convictions

Brenda and Mason were both arrested.

On December 17, 2014, Brenda Dossett pled guilty, and was sentenced to 60 years in prison.

On April 24, 2015, Mason Hughes pled guilty, and was also sentenced to 60 years in prison.

Nikki and Nicholas were never charged.

Brenda Dossett

Mason Hughes


It sickens me knowing that there are so many people out there that kill other people for a small amount of money, or over a car that they thought they would bet getting. Brenda and Mason didn’t seem to shaken up about what they had done. They deserve longer than 60 years in prison if you ask me, but hopefully they’ll never be able to get out. I believe Gilbert’s family will prevent that from happening. They had a weird feeling about Brenda from the start, and were right all along.



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