The Murder of Kira Simonian

For this case, I watched an episode of American Monster. It’s season 7 episode 4, titled ‘By Design.’

A 32-year-old artist is found dead in her apartment.


Kira Simonian grew up in a very tight knit family, and was the youngest of three girls.

Kira was described as naturally gifted, very smart, outgoing and bubbly. Kira knew from a very young age that she wanted to become an artist. In 1998, she attended the Art Institute of Chicago. She then got her undergraduate degree in graphic design from DePaul University.

Kira knew that she wanted to do more than graphic design, so she sold her own art. She did really well, and had the support of her loving family.

Kira Simonian

Kira’s unique style

The Other Half

In January 2000, Kira attended a party, and met a man named Matthew Gertz. Matthew was from Wisconsin, and worked for a newspaper company in Chicago.

The two of them really hit it off, and eventually started dating. Kira’s family said that they were complete opposites, but both were quirky, and had a unique sense of humor.

Kira and Matthew got engaged on a trip to Italy. Matthew had asked her father for his permission to prepose. Things seemed to be going really well for the couple, but behind closed doors, there were issues.

Kira had found pornography on Matthew’s computer. She confronted him, but he said it would never happen again. Kira seemed to believe him, and on June 6, 2004, the couple got married.

The Move

A few years after the wedding, Kira, still pursuing her dreams, was accepted into the Minneapolis College of Art and Design.

In September 2006, the couple made the move to Minnesota. Matthew got a job as an executive at Target Corp, a marketing firm.

Their new apartment was close to campus, but it was right at the edge of a not so great part of town. The couple, especially Kira, threw themselves into work. Again things seemed to be going well for them, but that was about to change.

The Crime Scene

On June 28, 2007, around 8:30pm, a maintenance worker noticed a broken window screen. She needed to fix the screen from inside, so she tried to enter the apartment, but there was something blocking the door.

It was Kira. She was lying face down, covered in blood. The maintenance worker called the Minneapolis police department.

There was blood in almost every room of the apartment. In the kitchen, in the bedroom, and in the living room, where Kira had been discovered. A bloody hammer and knife were found next to her body.

The attack was violent. It appeared as if Kira was attacked in her bed, and then tried to fight back. There was a blood trail, blood smudges and blood spatter, from where Kira was struck with the hammer.

A mirror was knocked over, and the rugs were askew.

The Investigation

The police looked at the window in the apartment. They wondered if the killer had gotten in through the window. However, it was soon clear that the scene was staged. There was dirt and dust on the outside of the window, and a plastic chair had been place underneath it. The police didn’t rule out a robbery right away, Kira’s laptop was missing.

Before the police ruled anything out, they wanted to contact Matthew. They couldn’t get a hold of him, but learned from his employer that he was in New York for a business trip.

Matthew finally got into contact with the police, after his friend told him to contact the Minneapolis PD. Matthew was brought in for an interview.

He told the police that he had seen Kira the night before he left for his business trip. He said they made stir fry, and watched some TV. Matthew said he left for his business trip the next morning, around 5:15am.

The police ended the interview, but they were very suspicious of Matthew. He was calm, and didn't ask many questions about what had happened to his wife.

It’s Always the Husband

On June 30, Matthew was interviewed again. The police had obtained a warrant to disrobe Matthew, and check for injuries.

Matthew had several large bruises on his arms, and several scrapes on his legs. Matthew told the police that he had been angry when he heard the news about Kira, and slammed himself into the dresser in his hotel room.

Matthew’s luggage, which had been sent to Chicago, was brought in for testing. On September 1, 2007, Kira’s blood and DNA was found on under Matthew’s fingernails, and on his suit jacket and pants. Her DNA was also found on his ring, and on the band of his watch.

Matthew’s computer was searched. On his commuter, Matthew had been looking at pornography, and Googling how to get a new identity and start a new life.

On September 5, 2007, Matthew was arrested at his friend’s home.

The Conviction

The evidence shows that Matthew had attacked Kira with a hammer, while she was asleep. She then stumbled to get out of bed, but eventually ran to the kitchen to grab a knife to defend herself, and moved towards the front door. Her blood was found on the handle and frame.

Matthew overpowered Kira, grabbed the knife, and stabbed her several more times, as she laid on the floor.

Matthew then staged the scene, and left for his business trip.

On June 2, 2008, Matthew Gretz pleaded guilty to 2nd degree murder. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison, and will be eligible for parole in 2024.

Matthew Gretz


Well, obviously Matthew never said why he killed his wife. However, it’s believed that Kira could have confronted him about the porn on his computer again. It seems like this case was a crime of passion, but Matthew deserves a lot longer than 25 years if you ask me.

Matthew will maybe be able to be released one day, but Kira is no longer here. Her family will never get to see her, talk to her, or hug her again. It’s heartbreaking.



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