The Murder of Stephanie McClurg

For this case, I watched an episode of ‘Til Death Do Us Part. It’s season 1 episode 4, titled ‘Love Sick.’

A man reports that he found is wife dead in their home, but police are immediately suspicious of his story.


Stephanie grew up in southern Missouri. She was very close to her younger sister Samantha. They were only a few years apart, and they enjoyed playing outside with their friends.

Stephanie was described as happy, but fought to have a relationship with her father after her parents divorce. Her sister said that Stephanie had always just wanted to be loved.

The Road to Happiness

Stephanie was married to her first husband Buddy, and together they had two kids. The marriage started to fall apart, due to financial issues. Stephanie worked full time as a nurse in Ozark, Missouri, but would often ask to borrow money from her mom, so that the rent could be paid.

In the fall of 2011, Stephanie left the marriage. She then met a single father named Jason McClurg. Jason had also been married to a woman named Lynetta, but she passed away while pregnant with their third child. Jason had found her dead, after returning home from buying cigarettes. She was rushed to the hospital, but Lynetta, and their unborn daughter both passed away.

Stephanie was really good with Jason’s kids, and Jason was getting back to his normal self. His family said after Lynetta’s death, he appeared withdrawn.

Jason was also good with Stephanie’s kids. They would go camping, and fishing. They eventually bought a house together in the small town of Winona, Missouri.

Stephanie and Jason McClurg

Stephanie’s Health

In July 2012, Stephanie gave birth to their first child.

She quickly returned to work, 2 hours away in Ozark, while Jason stayed home with their blended family. Stephanie was also dealing with her ex-husband fighting her for custody of their children.

In 2013, Stephanie was rushed to the hospital. She had been having seizures, and high blood pressure. She was now pregnant again too, and an emergency delivery was performed. Their daughter was born critically premature, and she passed away a month after she was delivered.

Stephanie was told by the doctors that if she got pregnant again, she could die. Stephanie did get pregnant again though, and before she gave birth to their son, she and Jason got married in October 2013.

Their son was born in March 2014. He was born premature, and had to stay in the hospital in Springfield, Missouri, for 2 months. Stephanie stayed with her mom to be close to their son, while Jason stayed in Winona.

Stephanie with a few of her children. From the Justice for Stephanie McClurg Facebook page

Natural Causes or Murder?

While Stephanie was in Springfield, Jason was telling her that he had found a new trailer, and was renovating it.

On May 3, 2014, Jason went to Springfield to pick up Stephanie, and their son. They ended up staying one more night, because Stephanie had a small seizure, while she was out to lunch with her sister.

On May 4, 2014, Stephanie and Jason returned home. Stephanie spoke to her mom on the phone, while Jason was out with the kids.

Just thirty minutes later, Jason called Candy, Stephanie’s mom, and told her that Stephanie was dead. Jason also called his sister Beth, who called 911, and rushed over to the trailer.

The paramedics, and Investigating Officer Alonzo Bradwell, also arrived. It really did look like Stephanie had passed away due to natural causes, however, next to her body, was an open bottle of prescription medication.

A Shocking Claim

While the police were speaking to Jason, they received a call from Stephanie’s mom. She told them that she had been on the phone with Stephanie, just 30 minutes before she died. Stephanie’s phone was found near her body, lying under a backpack. The phone records confirmed that she had been on the phone with her mom, and hadn’t been dead for as long as Jason had claimed.

The police believed Jason had killed Stephanie, but didn’t have any concrete evidence. The Missouri State Highway Patrol were called in.

During the investigation, more information kept coming out about Jason. He claimed to be a grieving husband, and even posted a Facebook message about her death:

To my wife Stephanie McClurg our wedding song, I miss and love u so much and I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you I tried so hard baby.

An Human Resources manager from Stephanie’s job called, and revealed that Jason had asked about Stephanie’s life insurance policy.

Stephanie’s mom and sister also revealed that on May 3, while they were in Springfield, Jason had given Stephanie a plastic water bottle filled with Kool-Aid. He claimed that their son had made it for her. Stephanie drank it, and before throwing the bottle away, Jason washed it out.

Candy went through the trash, and collected the bottle. It was handed over to the police for testing.

The Arrest and Escape

It was also revealed that Jason had been having an affair.

His girlfriend, mistress, whatever you want to call her, was interviewed. She claimed that Jason was the one who mixed the Kool-Aid, and put about 50 crushed pills in too. Jason had told her that he was going to tell Stephanie that their son had made it.

A search warrant was obtained for Jason’s trailer, which was filthy. It was the same trailer that Jason claimed he was going to renovate for them. It was full of garbage, moldy dishes, and dead hamsters. There was also no electricity, and the toilet was dirty, and clogged.

The police found an empty container of Kool-Aid, and bottles of prescription medication. Stephanie’s toxicology report revealed that she had died of an overdose of cyclobenzaprine, a muscle relaxer. Traces of the medication was found in the water bottle that had been sent in for testing.

Jason was arrested, and charged with murder, 48 hours after he had killed Stephanie.

While awaiting trial, Jason escaped from jail on July 4, 2014, He had been escorted out into an exercise yard to watch fireworks. He stole a car, and drove back to Winona. He was eventually found two days later in a camper. He had left the stolen vehicle in the cemetery where Stephanie and Lynetta were buried.

Jason McClurg mugshot

A photo of Jason (shirtless man) being arrested again, after his escape.

The Conviction

Jason’s trial began in July 2016.

The prosecution and police believed that Jason had wanted to kill Stephanie on May 3, while she was at her mom’s home. However, his plan didn’t work, and she died on May 4 instead.

After he killed her, he made several google searches about making a murder look accidental.

On July 28, 2016, Jason was found guilty of first degree murder. He was sentenced to life without parole.

Stephanie’s family believes that Jason killed his first wife as well. She had filed for divorce just two weeks before she died. Lynetta’s mom said Jason had been having an affair then too. They also believe Jason was possibly drugging Stephanie earlier. She never had any medical issues, and suddenly she had all of these seizures.

There has never been enough proof to charge Jason for Lynetta’s murder.

Jason maintains his innocence, and said that Stephanie could have committed suicide.


Now there are several kids that are left without their mom, step-mom, and even their dad. Jason was a selfish person. I believe the motive was either financial, or because he wanted to be with his side piece.

It’s disgusting that Jason claims that Stephanie killed herself. He’s continuing to say terrible things about her. He should just own up to what he did, because not even his own sister believes him. Jason is in the right place now, and hopefully will stay there forever.



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