The Crimes of ‘Affluenza Teen,’ Ethan Couch

I first heard about this case on a 48 Hours episode, I think I watched it with my mom. I also heard about this on Nancy Grace’s podcast and we all know when Nancy hates someone, she really HATES them. This time I think it’s justified because this case makes me so angry, especially because Ethan Couch didn’t care about what he did to these victims or whose lives he affected.

According to Wikipedia, affluenza is a psychological state supposedly affecting wealthy people. Ethan’s family did have a lot of money and he definitely is the definition of rich snob, and he never had any real consequences. To this day, he still hasn’t suffered any real consequences after everything that happened.


Ethan Couch was born April 11, 1997. Ethan lived a privileged life almost right away. His parents let him drive to his private school at the age of 13, and when his parents were told by the school, his dad threatened them.

Ethan had also been in trouble with the law before and was cited for minor in consumption of alcohol and minor in possession of alcohol. He was sentenced to probation, had to report to an AA class and had to do 12 hours of community service.

Ethan’s parents, Tony and Fred Couch, also had their run ins with the laws and were not good parents in the slightest. I think they told Ethan from a very early age that he could get whatever he wanted. This family is one of the most disgusting families that I’ve ever researched.

Ethan at age 16

Ethan at age 16

The Crime

At the time of Ethan’s crimes, he was living alone in a house owned by his parents. This was a constant party house, with all underage kids taking drugs and drinking.

On June 15, 2013, Ethan was having one of his typical parties and he and some friends decided that they wanted to go out and buy some more alcohol. They were very intoxicated by this point, but still decided that drinking was more important than safety.

Ethan drove his dad’s Ford F-350 truck, and he and six other people drove to Walmart. This was recorded on the surveillance cameras, and Ethan was seeing stealing beer. Besides being drunk, Ethan was also speeding and going around 70mph.

There were many people’s lives affected that night. A young woman named Breanna Mitchell was having issues with her car on Burleson-Retta Road, and a few other people came to help her out. These people were Hollie and Shelby Boyles and Brian Jennings.

About an hour after Ethan stole the beer, he came speeding down that road. He swerved off the road, hit Breanna’s car, hit Brian Jennings’s car which hit another vehicle. Ethan’s truck than flipped and hit a tree.

Ethan’s car

Ethan’s car

Brian Jennings, Breanna Mitchell and Hollie and Shelby Boyles were all killed. Ethan and his friends somehow survived, but one of his friend’s is now paralyzed as a result of this fateful night. There were also a few other survivor’s, Brian Jennings was taking two children home after a church group and the two owners of the car that Brian Jennings’s car was pushed into.

Ethan’s blood alcohol level was 0.24%. This was three hours after the crash, he also had marijuana and diazepam in his system.

The victims

The victims

Sergio Molina, one of the victims who was in Ethan’s car is now paralyzed

Sergio Molina, one of the victims who was in Ethan’s car is now paralyzed

Trial and Sentencing

At Ethan’s trial, the story of the “affluenza” teen was underway. He was charged with four counts of intoxication manslaughter and two counts of intoxication assault.

The prosecutors in this case wanted Ethan to get a sentence of 20 years in prison. However, Ethan was sentenced to a lock down rehab center, which of course his parents paid for. He was also told he had to stay away from drugs, alcohol and driving.

He started his rehab on February 19, 2014.

Ethan Goes on the Run

After Ethan’s rehab, he went back to his old ways. A video on Twitter in December 2015, showed a picture of Ethan playing beer pong. In this moment, he was in violation of his probation.

A warrant was put out for Ethan, but he had disappeared and was not answering his phone. Ethan and his mom, Tonya were reported missing on December 18, 2015.

The FBI, U.S. Marshals and several other agencies were all on the hunt for Ethan and Tonya. By this point, they realized they had the money to flee the country, and a $5,000 reward for information or Ethan’s arrest was put out.

The Capture

On December 28, 2015, Ethan and Tonya were found in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. They were caught after ordering a pizza from Domino’s.

Tonya was back in the United States, and taken to the Los Angeles police department on December 31. She was arrested on the charge of hindering apprehension of a felon.



Ethan, who now had dark hair and a dark beard, was taken back to the U.S. on January 28, 2016, he was now being transferred into the adult court system. On April 13, 2016, he was sentenced to serve four consecutive 180 day terms, one term for each of the victim’s he killed.

He was released on April 2, 2018. THIS IS BULLSHIT. How does this scumbag get off after murdering 4 people and injuring others. He has affected so many families and doesn’t give one single shit.

Ethan after his capture

Ethan after his capture


All of the people affected by Ethan’s decisions were devastated and all filed lawsuits against Ethan, his family and against Cleburne Metal Works, the business which owned Fred Couch’s vehicle.

These are the following people who filed these lawsuits:

  • Eric and Marguerite Boyles, the husband and daughter of Hollie and Shelby Boyles

  • Marla Mitchell, Breanna Mitchell’s mom

  • Shaunna Jennings, the wife of Brian Jennings

  • Maria Lemus and Sergio Molina, the parents of Sergio Molina, who was in Ethan’s car that night. He now requires around the clock care after suffering a brain injury.

  • Kevin and Aleisha McConnell, parents of Lucas McConnell, one of the kids in Brian Jennings’s car that night.

  • Timothy and Priscilla McLaughlin, parents of Isiah McLaughlin, the other kid in Brian Jennings’s car


Ethan’s father, Fred, has been arrested several times since this crime. He was last arrested last September for choking his girlfriend. ALL I CAN SAY IS WOW.

Ethan Couch was back in the news at age 22, for testing positive to THC.


This is one case that I will never understand the sentencing of. How could he only get about 2 years in prison???? How could his parents be behind him and HELP HIM ESCAPE? This is just inexcusable, look at what he has taken from these families and how many people’s lives are affected.




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