The Murders of Carl and Sarah Collier

I watched an episode of Killer Instinct with Chris Hansen for this case. It’s season 1 episode 2, titled ‘Deadly Love.’ This is a case about a loving couple who took their granddaughter in, and they were brutally murdered because their granddaughter didn’t get her way. I also titled my post with the victim’s names because they are often lost in this case and I want to make sure we remember who’s lives were taken.


Carl and Sarah were beloved members of their small town in Riverdale, Layfette County, Georgia. They had been married 53 years, and were members of their local church. They were also very religious, but also very loving people.

Sarah and Carl Collier

Sarah and Carl Collier

At this time, their granddaughter, 15 year old Holly Harvey, also was living with them. Holly had a very horrible upbringing, and her mom was in and out of jail. Holly also had mental health issues, and would abuse alcohol and drugs.

Holly and Sandra

Sandra Ketchum and Holly Harvey

Sandra Ketchum and Holly Harvey

Holly befriended another troubled teen, 15 year old Sandra Ketchum. Sandra had known almost right away that she was different, and she told Holly that she was gay. Holly accepted her, and they became friends first, and then a romance blossomed.

The two teenagers would often skip school together, because they were bullied because of their sexualities. They both had an addiction to smoking weed and drinking. They soon turned to harder drugs like cocaine and speed.

Holly’s grandparent’s were angry. They were very religious people, and didn’t accept that Holly was in a relationship with Sandra. They also didn’t like that Holly was smoking weed in her room, but she would do it just to piss off her grandparents. Sandra was soon banned from stepping foot in their home. This made Holly rebel even harder. Holly and Sandra had also begun to plot a brutal murder.


On the night of, Holly and Sandra snuck out to get drugs. They had smoked weed that was apparently laced with cocaine. Holly said she was going to lure her grandparents to the basement by smoking weed. She made a do-list on her arm, it said kill-keys-money-jewelry. She then grabbed two knives from the knife block in the kitchen.

Sarah came down first, probably to confront Holly about smoking and she was attacked. Carl then came down when he heard his wife was in danger. Carl was able to fend off Holly, and that’s when Sandra came out to help. Carl was able to run upstairs, and Holly chased him. He tried to get to the phone, even throwing a coffee cup at Holly to stall her. Holly stabbed Carl a dozen times, before going back down to the basement to finish off her grandma.

The girls then took some of Sarah’s jewelry and left the house in Carl’s pick up truck. They were on the run. They went over to their friend Sarah Polk’s house, and reportedly confessed to her. She was interviewed on this episode, and she said she was scared because they were covered in blood from head to toe. She also said Holly admitted that she killed her grandparents, and that they were “free.” They asked Sarah if they could shower, and she said no and that they needed to leave. Sarah then told her mom to call 911.


The police went to the Collier’s residence, and what they found shocked all of them. The detectives on this episode said it was one of the most chilling crime scenes they had ever been to, and that there was blood everywhere.

They knew that the girls were on the run. They put out a BOLO (be on the lookout) for Carl’s blue pick up truck. The girls had also stolen Carl’s cell phone, which they were able to track. I’m a little shocked about the stolen phone fact, because they were trying to leave so they could be together, but maybe they didn’t know that they could be tracked through phone pings? I guess they were only 15.

Sandra and Holly had made it 250 miles away to Tybee Island, Georgia. They also found (or manipulated) a family they could stay with, and ditched the stolen truck. The girls were staying at the Shremshock home, and the police were closing in on them.

Suspects are captured

The U.S. Marshals found out where they were through cell phone pings, and after entering the wrong house. The girls were finally caught. Once the girls were arrested, they also found knives in their pockets. It’s rumored that they might have killed again. That detail is so scary to me, because this poor family could have been killed too. Holly also tried to slip off the handcuffs, but Lieutenant Bruce Jordan with the Fayette County police department wasn’t letting her get away again.

Trial and Convictions

On August 5, 2004, Holly and Sandra appeared in court. They were being charged with two counts of malice murder, two counts of felony murder and armed robbery. They were being tried as adults. They both pleaded guilty.

Holly and Sandra in court

Holly and Sandra in court

Sandra was sentenced to life in prison, with parole after 14 years, and Holly was given life with parole after 20.

Holly and Sandra in recent photos

Holly and Sandra in recent photos

Holly said she killed her grandparents, so that she and Sandra could be together. Holly also showed no emotion at trial, while Sandra did which is why her sentence could be shorter. Holly was also asked if she thinks 2o years in enough time for her after what she said and she responded with “no, I think I should be dead.”


I have a lot of thoughts, as I do with most cases. I personally think the sentencing is fair, but I don’t think Holly should be getting out at all or if she does, then she needs to seek treatment. I think she’s a VERY troubled girl. From what is or has been reported, she has never shown any emotion, she even asked her attorney at trial if she would be going back to school soon.

I feel bad for her in the sense that she had a messed up life, but that doesn’t give her the right to kill and manipulate people. I think she manipulated Sandra more than she loved her. Sandra is also very troubled, but could be reformed. The emotions of their young love mixed with drugs and alcohol is what caused this and I think they should both stay in jail so that nobody else gets hurt.

I would love to know your opinions as well.



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